Imagine that humanity got a chance to live on another planet.
Other flora, fauna, climate... and my pink Corvette is next to my beautiful house ;p
Items in the picture:
Head: LeL - Lilly
Body: Kalhene - Erika
!!! Special offer these days! Erika body for L$ 995 !!!
Building/House: - Scafall - Homes / KORSA [PBR + Legacy]
House KORSA: 58li, 34 x 22.5, PBR & Legacy compatible, with working lights.
New Easter Group Gift in the VIP room! Eve Garden Lights - plant them in the earth, or in a vase/pot to bring inside.
♥ 4 rezzing variations: Solo, Trio, Bouquet, Wave - 1 land impact each. On/off by touch.
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